Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Brother

My Light

I am asleep, yet my light shines,
Transcends the time, travels through space,
Reaches into the dark confines
Where dead are laid in morbid place.

My light reflects from dusty walls,
Erodes the dirt, moving gravestones,
Raises the dead in darkest halls,
Restoring flesh on rotting bones.

Awake the wretched, rise again!
In dreams of death abide no more!
Stretch out your limbs, renewed as men,
Follow the light through opened door!

And when you breathe the peaceful air –
Walk through the planes and mountains steep,
Follow my light to hidden lair,
And do not leave myself asleep!


Old I am not – ancient I am.
The struggle of my endless search
Had never ceased – still bleeds the lamb
That I have slaughtered to exist.

“Existence” – dying, born anew,
Growing to die another day,
Stretching the time, as if I knew
Why I still act the same old play.

One day I’ll take you by the hand,
Touch gently, lovingly – just so,
Look in your eyes, cease to pretend,
That what you are I do not know.

And you will smile, in ancient eyes
Reflecting traces of the road
Which comes to end as we arise
Joined in our oneness unto God.


God Is

No judgement passes in my mind but only love –
You, my dear friend, look into my mind’s eye!
Embraced by holiness I stay, no words enough
To show you what it means to live without a lie.

You seem to be apart, alone and fearful still,
And I’m perceived in your eye as a stranger too
But there is one note in our heart we feel
Which sings and joins our souls forever through.

Attentively in quiet moment stay with me
And let us hear that note which sings in us:
The freedom from the world is ours, we let it be –
In such a holy moment there’s no loss.

What you perceive is not what you will truly see
When you receive the feeling of forgotten peace
In which no eyes of flesh needed for you and me
To see the holy light that shines: “God is”.

My Path

I have been travelling alone:
So many times I fell and cried,
So often I have prayed to stone,
So often found myself in fight.

Yet to my path I have been true –
It is impossible to turn!
I know I have to see it through
Before to peace I can return.

And every time I cried in vain –
It only seemed, for every step
Had taken me away from pain,
Each day I drew a sacred map –

A plan on how to walk this path,
Which leads us through journey of life
Where bridge ‘tween death and life I cross
Through overcoming pointless strife.

Along this path I met with you:
Taking your hand, as one embraced
Together we will follow through
To holy love with which we’re graced.

Along the holy path we walk
And all we feel is sacred peace
We’ve ceased to doubt, and even talk –
But simply walk to where God is.

And all we see is holy light
Which lights the road and guides our way,
For even in the darkest night
You, me and God  – as one we stay.

Feather of Love

What needs be said but Love?
What do you need to know of me?
Time will be saved, if I say but enough:
I Love you as myself, I truly see,

A perfect spirit, united with our Self,
I see your Love shining so pure,
In you I see our God Himself,
In presence His we stand secure.

Our Love cannot be kept apart,
I’m you, we’ve always been together
We’re truly one, oneness is our true part,
Our existence – eternal, gentle feather.

Feather of Love suspended in the Now,
We are together, live as One,
And yet, something’s not right – or how
Would you seem from our oneness gone?

We have forgotten, don’t remember peace,
Our unison of Heaven’s Song is lost,
Remembering not what truly is,
Today we have to pay the cost.

 My Brother, could you believe it’s true?
A joke so meaningless and void,
Our laughter – all we have to do,
The pain, the anger, hate – we can avoid.

Laughing at nothingness – our only purpose here
Our gentle smile reflects the Truth,
Sin’s nonexistent, it’s not worth your tear,
When you but smile, you nothing have to lose.

 So let’s join hands and walk this path as One,
Gently forgiving conflict, which’s not there,
When we have managed that, our mission’s done,
We’re one, at peace, our Love is everywhere.

Sonnets of Love: The Choice

My Brother, do not choose against your Self
The choice of body does condemn you.
You cannot have both flesh and spirit.
The time has come, the choice you’ll make yourself,
And only then can heaven start anew,
And life of love will now resume in it.

The Choice

The choice you make – to love or hate,
Your choice – forgiving brother,
Or still condemning him, choosing his fate,
The choice – living apart from one another,
Or being one with God – in God,
Being pure, unchanged and awed.

You choose your fate each second of each day,
And often being blind of ones you’ve made,
You choose to hate, unconscious how it may
Cause all the love inside of you to fade.
Each moment and each day you choose
To win against your ego – or to lose.

The choice – how beautiful it is,
That we are blessed to have a choice,
Our fate is in our hands, and so is peace,
As we decide to hear ego’s, or God’s voice –
We choose to suffer, judge and hate,
Or peaceful Love – which is our final fate.

The Song of Heaven

My dear brother, for time so long
We’ve been apart from one another,
We have stopped hearing Heaven’s song,
And we forgot about our Father.
We were so lost, I can’t imagine how,
We slipped away from ever present Now.

My dear friend, this dream we saw
Was but a tiny glimpse of hell,
Which can’t exist, for it is not God’s Law,
But an illusion of ego, which we did well:
To recognize as such, and come back in,
And found our perfect peace within.

My perfect love, we’re coming home
Our journey led us nowhere real.
It seemed so meaningless, but also long,
And only now we really feel:
It was a journey we have never done,
As we remained forever perfect, pure and one.

Yes, I’ve finally found my brother!
We stand as one, in peace and joy,
Our light is shining on each other,
We share our Love, as one enjoy:
The constant song of Heaven’s peace,
The song of thanks, God’s perfect bliss.

The Light

You see yourself as sinful, guilty and fearful. By this “seeing” you are creating yourself as such. Is it your will to be called these names, that you yourself came up with? Do you want suffering or peace?

How do you change this view of yourself? How do you start seeing yourself in true light? You cannot accomplish this through affirmations or intellectual reasoning. The only way you can see yourself as Light is to see all your Brothers as Light. Every tiny bit of darkness you find in another will be multiplied and reflected in you.

When you condemn your Brother into darkness, do you suppose that Light will be shown to you? Do you believe that Light is something a separated body can ever have?

The Light is all there is. It includes everything, as it is everything. It loves everyone, because everyone is standing in the Light. Realize that there is no darkness by not looking for darkness.

When I am tempted

When I am tempted,
I’m afraid.
I’m guilty,
And I hate:
I blame them,
I condemn,
I live in fear,
And I smear.

When I do all of this,
Can I expect a smile to be returned?
What am I choosing – hell or peace?
Will they believe it’s Love I’ve earned?

No, they reply the same:
They put me down in shame
And they blame.
They say:
I’m worthless,
I’m plagued –
My hate still lives in them,
It is unchanged.

And when I love,
I feel such peace inside,
The light has finally entered in my sight.
I don’t see pain,
Nor suffering in vain,
I don’t condemn –
I don’t see them.

It’s only Love I see –
A Brother answered to my plea,
And now we’re One,
Both finally free.


What is “sin” but an error you seemed to make but never did? Yet, by listening to the ego, you started thinking sin is real and you forgot that Son of God is perfect like his Father.

From childhood we’ve been taught that some things are “good” and some are “bad”. And when you do this or that – you sin, and reinforce belief of dream you’re in. Then, you experience guilt for the imagined sin you seemed to have committed.

Sin is not possible without judgement, because it is only kept intact in you as long as you see it in your Brother. How would you perceive of something, unless you would constantly maintain it real by finding it all around you?

And yet it is so easy to let go of all this nonsense. Regard your Brother as yourself – as One Son of God, forever perfect and pure. Do not try to find His fault, for you will never forgive something that you made real. Just realize that there is not a single sinner in the whole world, and no one’s guilty. There is no hate, nor anger. If it is not in anyone, it’s not in You.


To any Brother in the world you can extend your will – your love or hate.

You can condemn a brother, judge him for this or that, and it will make you burn with anger. You know you’re right, your anger’s justified. The condemnation is your will, if you identify with ego.

Or, you can Forgive. Forgiveness is extension of Love, which is beyond this world.

“How can you forgive when clearly he has sinned!?” – cries ego. And yet, true Forgiveness is gifted not for the repentance of the sin. Only the ego makes you ask for a condition before you can forgive.

True Forgiveness comes not on a condition, but from recognition – that sin is an illusion you project. Your Brother’s never sinned, and when you grant him that, how anything but Love be felt inside you for him?

There are No Problems

The world tries to push so many “problems” unto us. Yet, are these problems so? By paying all our attention to the problems of the world we never see the only one which matters – that we are lost, unhappy, not in peace.

By recognizing that every single problem has already been solved we find the peace of God. And every time you look at your Brother, do not see him as having problems. More importantly, do not allow the ego to make him into problem for yourself.

The ego sees everything and everyone as a problem. It shields its “reality” with grievances it wants us to hold. When we refuse to accept ego’s grievances, we find peace. When we refuse to see our Brother as a problem, we find our peace in him.

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