So sad – the happiness you seek
To you has always been so close
You could, but take it with your hand,
If you’d remember – you’re not weak,
Remember please, there’s no fate worse:
Being unhappy, of happiness pretend.
Tag: Happiness
All the unhappiness, the fear, pain and suffering would disappear if you would simply look at its source. The ego gives you many images, for it is truly afraid of you looking directly at it.
No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected. (T-11.V.1:1)
You need but look,
And realize,
That path you took
Led you astray.
Somehow the promises that ego gave away,
The lies it told – seemed real.
For tiny instant you became confused and fell asleep.
You saw the dream of suffering and pain,
Your slumber seemed so deep.
And is it not a shame?
You came so far
Not realizing who You truly are.
And yet, you need but look around
And realize – the happiness is nowhere to be found.
You’ve looked for it outside for years,
Was it worth it to shed all these tears?
And still remain – unhappy, unfulfilled,
So lonely in this illusion that you’ve built…
But don’t despair, just look again,
This time inside – it won’t be in vain.
Where do you look for salvation? Whom are you trying to appoint as your savior?
You look for it in any thing or any body. And yet, no matter how hard you try, these idols of salvation always fail.
You believe that you know what’s everything’s purpose is for and so you assign the purpose of salvation to many things. After being wrong so many times before, do you not want to reconsider your assumptions of purpose? This is the knowledge you simply do not posses.
The things where you look for happiness were not created with purpose of happiness in mind. On the contrary, they were created with purpose of hiding the happiness from you and leading you away from salvation. The ego made these things and bodies as witnesses for its case of an illusion. Would it then appoint them to witness against its only goal?
Do you truly believe that any problem can be created outside of yourself? You’ve got into habit of blaming everything and everyone for what you judge as bad or wrong. You have been looking for your happiness outside as long as you can remember – have you ever found it?
Only insane mind will keep on repeating the same process, that failed him so many times. Of course, anyone blind to the truth is insane, but it only seems that we don’t see. Son of God is like himself, and God is not insane. Only ego made you accept that you’re insane. And it makes you look for happiness where nothing exists – outside of yourself.
Blaming your Brother, you are saying “You are responsible for my happiness and you do not let me be happy”. Blaming the circumstances, you are saying “If this or that would not have happened, I would have been happy, free, in peace”. The ego goes as far as making us blame our Creator – complete impossibility, which makes sense only to the insane. But then, do not forget, that ego is insane, it makes no sense. Each grievance you hold is simply you looking for salvation outside.
So when for eons you have been searching for the answer, and looking only outside and never finding it, why not look elsewhere? When every time you blame a Brother, you are unhappier still, why not try Love instead towards him?
The ego never rests, for it’s afraid. And listening to its little voice of guilt and blame, you will become as restless, not content and always searching.
All of us look for happiness, we try to find it in every thing.
The ego does not want you to be happy, but it does want you to search. It says:
Seek, but do not find.
Pretending it’s your friend, it points here and there, and makes you search for it forever. It says:
You are not happy now because this happened in the past. There’s nothing you can do about the past, but look into the future! If you will have these things tomorrow, the happiness will be yours!
The God would never have you search for happiness, because He knows that happiness is your purpose. He created you happy, and He asks but to look inside, and realize that happiness is forever yours.
How could you possibly be unhappy, if happiness is what you are? Except, if you deny eternity and hide into the dark clouds of Yesterday and Tomorrow.
The happiness is yours forever, it is eternal. But it cannot be found in time, because the time does not exist.
Return to where you belong – in endless, ever present Now.
The ego, the voice inside your head that is mistakenly taken for your own, would make you believe many things.
There are laws it wants you to follow.
There is a body it wants you to identify with.
There are goals it wants you to pursue.
How do you know if the voice is coming from the ego? Simply, the ego’s voice makes you seek happiness in outside things, but no matter how hard you try and how diligently you follow its advice, you never find it. The ego does bring you temporal gratification, but as soon as you mix time with happiness, you know that you follow the wrong teacher.
Do you want fleeting “happiness” that comes and goes with passing of time? Has anything you have ever done “out there” in the world brought you lasting fulfillment?