Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Vision

The Secrets

So many things in this life seem so strange,
And clearly, many things you do not know,
Forbidden secrets, designed to derange,
Telling you lies, the truth they never show.

The bargain you are having still with God,
To find the answers you believe you need,
In order to continue suffering not,
Your destiny you’re trying to meet.

And you believe that God but plays a game,
To lead you through a world of misery,
Condemning you to suffering and shame,
And so you suffer, suffer bitterly.

With such belief, God does seem cruel indeed,
To lead you through a journey with no end,
You suffer till his whims you fully meet,
And so in suffering your life you spend.

But it’s your ego that plays this cruel game,
This foolish stranger living deep inside,
If you allow, it’ll surely place a claim
On what you are, denying you true sight.

God has no secrets, His truth is pure indeed,
You do not need to prove yourself to Him,
You do not need to suffer, scream and bleed,
All secrets are your own – attempt to hide your sin.

What could be secret from God’s Will?
What could He hide from His own Son?
You’ve made these secrets when you’ve killed,
Your Self, unconscious what you’ve done.

Let not your fear of sin emerge,
Do not allow your ego be,
For it will gladly sing your dirge,
For you’ve made it in order not to see.

This secrecy opposes pure love,
Assuming there are wicked things to hide,
But all this hiding’s not enough,
Your Self through hiding you can’t find.

Open your eyes and let defenses go,
The truth’s inside, you have but learn to see,
True vision’s to your ego – final blow,
Letting it go, you will allow your Self to be.


This worthless life of yours, with all pretense,
With grandiosity you want them to respect,
Does not allow you being not so tense,
Any advice you’re offered, you reject,
Being unhappy, yet so blind, you think
You know the truth, when you are on the brink,

Of facing all your castles in the air
Break down, and taking with them seeming life,
And with it taking that for which you care.
You’ve always lived on the edge of the knife,
Nothing you’ve built, achieved can ever last,
You’re careless, yet this “life” ends very fast.

You walk this world with ignorance immense,
And being blind, it is the truth you do neglect,
So all you’ve done does not make any sense,
The meaning you are trying to project,
Will not remind you of the truth,
Each thing and every thought you but misuse.

And you continue being just a fool,
Believing in this “life” you have achieved a lot,
Being so blind you pray for ego’s rule,
Your specialness – it seems so highly sought,
That you forget of what you are,
This road leads you from truth so far.

Yet God smiles gently, bathing you in love,
That you have never sinned – He knows,
To Him, your willingness to see’s enough,
Your will for happiness so clearly shows –
Pure love is what you are, always will be,
He does not doubt, that soon you’ll clearly see.

The words I say come not from me,
And so we both can hear them deep inside,
Please recognize the truth and pray with me:
“My Friend, I want you always by my side,
With You I want in love to bathe,
Please help me strengthen up my faith,

Please help me see as through Your eyes,
I’ve been mistaken, but not anymore,
All life of mine, I’ve followed ego’s lies,
But not so now – that was so long before.
I’ve been a fool, knew not what I have done,
I have abandoned God, from Heaven I was gone”.

Sonnets of Love – 14

I walk this world, and search, but then I’m still
So lost, yet no more at a loss –
Outside of me Truth cannot be.
I’m strong, but that’s not how this body feels,
And so I’m searching for the cause –
Is it preventing me to see?

You need but Look

All the unhappiness, the fear, pain and suffering would disappear if you would simply look at its source. The ego gives you many images, for it is truly afraid of you looking directly at it.

No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected. (T-11.V.1:1)

You need but look,
And realize,
That path you took
Led you astray.
Somehow the promises that ego gave away,
The lies it told – seemed real.

For tiny instant you became confused and fell asleep.
You saw the dream of suffering and pain,
Your slumber seemed so deep.
And is it not a shame?
You came so far
Not realizing who You truly are.

And yet, you need but look around
And realize – the happiness is nowhere to be found.
You’ve looked for it outside for years,
Was it worth it to shed all these tears?
And still remain – unhappy, unfulfilled,
So lonely in this illusion that you’ve built…

But don’t despair, just look again,
This time inside – it won’t be in vain.

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