Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Dreams

The Hall Inside The Moor

And often I,
And often he
Approached the hidden moor.
Where secrets lay
In light of day –
Lay hidden past the door,

Which guards the way
Beyond the day –
At night unseen to all.
We heard it said:
“Have fear of dead,
Avoid the wretched hall!”

Yet he and I,
Thought not to die,
Sought ever chilling thrills.
And in the night,
In lack of light
Went into forest hills.

Unknown to all
How wretched hall
Appeared in dead of night.
We were surprised,
Yet recognized
What was before our sight.

A single light,
A reddish light
Was seen way past the door
We stood in fear,
Ever so near
The hall inside the moor

We followed in –
Now deep within
The light lured us inside.
Fools as we were
Were brought before
The sickening, reddish light.

As we approached
Courage reproached
And all but disappeared!
Yet light remained
In our blood stained –
The nightmare that we feared.

He lay unmoved,
Dead where he stood
Blood running past the door.
I ran away,
Seeking the way
Outside of hall in moor.

Mere man cannot
Reach past the door
Or so at least it seems
Many were brought
To knees before
The moor of hidden dreams.

Perhaps to die,
Never return
Is conquering the fear?
He died, not I –
I was not born
As brave as I appear.

Will we again
Being mere men
From wicked dreams break free?
How often we
Approached the hall?
Unknown; A mystery.

A Man

A man walked silently in bliss
And did not judge, nor saw a sin,
But emanated subtle peace,
That he had shining from within.

Some saw him, cried: “A Son of God!”
But many said: “He’s evil pure!
For jewish laws he cares not,
Must die while he is still obscure!”

Indeed, he died, or so it seemed
For those who pray to rotten flesh;
For those who lost in dreams undreamed
He whispers gently truth afresh:

“Teach not that I have died in vain,
Teach rather that I live in you!
And thus eternally remain
One with my brothers in God’s view”.

Dreams Unclear

I awaken – dreams unclear…
All the warmth had dissipated –
Warmth of times when you were near,
When your voice had resonated

Words of love I was forgetting –
Could they still bear any meaning?
Words so slowly emanating…
So conspicuously deceiving.

Freezing feeling of me sweating
While rememb’ring dreams unclear
Only proves that I’m forgetting –
You are there, nowhere near.

You are there – In dreams unclear…
Shadows slowly grow obscure,
Drenching body in such fear,
Leaving my heart insecure.

You’re asleep, but nowhere near –
In the distance of tomorrow
I succumb to my own sorrow
Losing you to dreams unclear.

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