Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Afterlife


The body released, as it’s taken away
Into the waters, so strangely obscure.
The lungs, crystallized with salt blocking the way
To pure air forever – life’s so insecure!
You’re ready to go, leaving all this behind
Oblivious to what you are going to find.

And now, somewhere else, the time has been slowed,
Remembering at last the source of your sin,
You are terrified in your formless abode –
The traitorous voices scream from deep within.
What comes after death? You’ve been told it’s pure light
Yet everything’s dark and so chilly inside!

All of the pain, the terror, the strife,
Races through spirit, trapped still in its dream,
All of the nightmares – each life after life –
Remembered at once, in one endless stream.
You’ve failed to awaken – death has no use,
The body is left not through death, but through Truth!

The spirit screams silently – horribly screams! –
With billions of voices – familiar each…
As long as it’s lost in its own wicked dreams
The Heaven remains so far out of reach.
You’re hurled back into “life” to try once again,
“Am I so forsaken!?” – voice whispers: “Amen!”

God is Dead?

Could it be said, that God is dead, when nothing’s else alive?
Could you perceive, even achieve the knowledge of pure love,
When all you do – deny the truth, and through denial strive?
When all you are is all He is, yet This is not enough?

Could you assume, in all the truth, that body’s what you are?
And then presume that your misuse of everything in life
Helps to achieve the knowledge pure, perceived to be so far.
Of knowledge this you’re unaware through trying to survive.

Survive in world where meaning’s not, thinking that God is dead,
Survive in life which lasts a day, or even hundred years –
Nevertheless it’s bound by time, belief in which is mad
For time destroys what you call life – the essence of your fears.

But could you think, and truly think that time can kill your life?
And on the brink, when you do sink into the great unknown
What’s left of you is what you are, when body’s not alive:
You will be Love, or if you want – back into hell reborn.

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