Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Category: Thoughts (Page 2 of 2)


To any Brother in the world you can extend your will – your love or hate.

You can condemn a brother, judge him for this or that, and it will make you burn with anger. You know you’re right, your anger’s justified. The condemnation is your will, if you identify with ego.

Or, you can Forgive. Forgiveness is extension of Love, which is beyond this world.

“How can you forgive when clearly he has sinned!?” – cries ego. And yet, true Forgiveness is gifted not for the repentance of the sin. Only the ego makes you ask for a condition before you can forgive.

True Forgiveness comes not on a condition, but from recognition – that sin is an illusion you project. Your Brother’s never sinned, and when you grant him that, how anything but Love be felt inside you for him?


The conflict is not possible in God, but it is guaranteed when following the ego. The Voice of Love that calls you home is ever present, but rarely heard. So it is only the extent to which you listen to the other, little voice of ego, that makes the conflict real for you.

Ego knows not of God, and God knows not of ego. Is it any surprise that when you choose to listen to the little voice, the conflict is so soon to follow? Is it what you really want?

One voice is calling you to judge, the other to forgive. You cannot listen to them both, not at the same time. When ego pulls you to the past, to all the grievances you can’t let go of, or when it promises the future, it teaches you to judge.

And only in the now you hear eternal Voice of God.

There are No Problems

The world tries to push so many “problems” unto us. Yet, are these problems so? By paying all our attention to the problems of the world we never see the only one which matters – that we are lost, unhappy, not in peace.

By recognizing that every single problem has already been solved we find the peace of God. And every time you look at your Brother, do not see him as having problems. More importantly, do not allow the ego to make him into problem for yourself.

The ego sees everything and everyone as a problem. It shields its “reality” with grievances it wants us to hold. When we refuse to accept ego’s grievances, we find peace. When we refuse to see our Brother as a problem, we find our peace in him.

What ego would make you believe?

The ego, the voice inside your head that is mistakenly taken for your own, would make you believe many things.

There are laws it wants you to follow.
There is a body it wants you to identify with.
There are goals it wants you to pursue.

How do you know if the voice is coming from the ego? Simply, the ego’s voice makes you seek happiness in outside things, but no matter how hard you try and how diligently you follow its advice, you never find it. The ego does bring you temporal gratification, but as soon as you mix time with happiness, you know that you follow the wrong teacher.

Do you want fleeting “happiness” that comes and goes with passing of time? Has anything you have ever done “out there” in the world brought you lasting fulfillment?

Spirituality, science and politics

Throughout the human history, spiritual seekers have often found the answers unknown to the scientific community. They would teach wisdom rejected by science. Science would catch up sometimes hundreds or even thousands years later.

Politics is generally blind to any wisdom whatsoever. However, politics will generally reject even scientifically proven knowledge, until a disaster happens that forces them to adapt a new worldview.

Spirituality seeks to know the truth.

Science seeks to prove the truth.

Politics seeks to manipulate the truth, not even knowing what the truth is.

Organized religion is, first of all, politics.

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