The ego wishes many things. It made you believe that body is all you have. It proves how real the body is by putting it through suffering and death. How can you argue with such evidence?
Having proved its case about the body, it is not difficult for the ego to convince you of many things the body needs. The ego wishes this or that, telling how you – the body – is incomplete without these things.
And yet, ego’s wishing is without power in reality. It affects you only if you are making it real. You’ve chosen to believe in ego’s idle wishes and it is power of your thought, mistakenly misplaced, that seems to make you suffer.
If you believe in suffering and death, you will certainly create them for yourself. And yet, by creating a perception you are still not making it real.
God wills. He does not wish. Your will is as powerful as His because it is His. The ego’s wishes do not mean anything, because the ego wishes for the impossible. You can wish for the impossible, but you can will only with God. This is the ego’s weakness and your strength. (T-7.X.4:6-11)
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