There is no world – thus the main theme of A Course In Miracles can be summarized.
The ego gathers evidence to the contrary, day and night. The only goal the ego pursues is to prove to you that there is in fact a world. There is a universe and you’re a body. You live on earth and you have real needs. You have to honor needs, or else – you suffer, wither and die.
Everything is built around this theme in this world – there is virtually nothing and no one who helps you to see differently. It is a prison where prisoners imagine to be kings, and they will not allow a dissident to break free and show them the beauty behind the barbwire.
There is no world – you learn of this and now you know no better but to deny the world. Deny your bodily needs, deny the laws the ego set forth for you. But how can you deny something you don’t believe in?
Denying the ego is what makes it seemingly real. Your thought is what gave rise to this illusion, and the denial is yet another thought. Until you learn to give the world no thought at all, it will be there for you, tormenting you forever.
What does it mean to give no thought at all? It means to not judge. You see the world for what it is and you do not judge one thing to be better or worse, more or less special. While you are here your body has some needs – you fulfill them, but you do not seek your purpose in them. You continue to function – but with a gentle smile upon your face, forgiving the sin you know does not exist.
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