A carpet’s spread – I drag my feet
For thousands miles – where does it lead?
Where do I go and why I strive
To find a point in pointless life?
The carpet’s red – as if being stained
In blood which here so long remained
After the journey others made
In search of their own bloody fate.
As I look back I see the past
And all the journey I have passed
While walking aimlessly alone
Along this path into unknown.
In front of me – the future lays –
Strange how it always same remains,
Looks just as narrow, just as red –
Same carpet stretches far ahead.
Where is the end, where did I start? –
The voice is silent in my heart.
The carpet hides behind the time
The reason of my only crime.
The time is prison – I remain
Locked in the cage which I maintain
Through dragging still my feet along
The carpet where I don’t belong.
It’s being time – where could it lead,
But to my death, to my defeat.
The journey pointless and so long,
The journey I myself prolong.
But time must come to end as well –
It’s up to me to break its spell.
The carpets rolls up, disappears –
No guilt remains, but my dry tears.
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