Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Path

Extend My Bones

Extend my bones – step after step
They serve me well for day or two
And while they do, I hold the map,
Extend my bones – is all I do.

Guide tired limbs – the rest’s ahead,
I know the way – always the same!
Path clearly marked deep in my head
I need but try my limbs to tame.

Restless and sick – yet walking still,
The body moves, follows my breath,
I guide it forth – will guide until
It is succumbed to certain death.

Extend my bones – is all I do.
I cannot stop, not till I die,
Once started I must follow through
Leave bones behind and start to fly.


Does bird feel tortured when she’s made to fly?
So why do we stay so uncertain still?
Lost in the endless search until we die,
So out of touch with remnants of our Will.

Truth is not frail, it is our greatest gift –
Would you exchange it for a pile of dust?
For dreams of pain and goals that always shift,
For hopes of gain, when all you gain is rust?

“Uncertain of one’s path” – I’d say: “Insane!”
Caught in such sleep where light remains unseen,
Dreaming of choosing between death and pain
While praying for forgiveness of no sin.

The Dreams I Dreamed

I walked unsure, at times depressed,
So often stumbling on my quest!
At times being lost or so it seemed
When I believed in dreams I dreamed.

I dreamed of Earth, being born in dust,
And of our brethren and the cost
That we have paid with spirit pure
To come to form – dying flesh obscure.

I dreamed of me – or was it you?
So many figures, quite a few
Appeared to me in dreams of sin
But could it all come from within?

The time shall come, I need but wait,
When I wake up in pure state,
When I remember what I am,
And cease to dream, and cease to damn.

My Path

I have been travelling alone:
So many times I fell and cried,
So often I have prayed to stone,
So often found myself in fight.

Yet to my path I have been true –
It is impossible to turn!
I know I have to see it through
Before to peace I can return.

And every time I cried in vain –
It only seemed, for every step
Had taken me away from pain,
Each day I drew a sacred map –

A plan on how to walk this path,
Which leads us through journey of life
Where bridge ‘tween death and life I cross
Through overcoming pointless strife.

Along this path I met with you:
Taking your hand, as one embraced
Together we will follow through
To holy love with which we’re graced.

Along the holy path we walk
And all we feel is sacred peace
We’ve ceased to doubt, and even talk –
But simply walk to where God is.

And all we see is holy light
Which lights the road and guides our way,
For even in the darkest night
You, me and God  – as one we stay.

The War Is Gone

I come back home and put my sword aside,
Put down my shield covered with stains of war,
And let my weary head rest from the fight
At last enjoying calm of peaceful shore.

It seemed the war had raged for many years:
So many brothers fell but not for naught,
So many mothers shed their sorry tears
Now mixed ‘tween grief and joy in their distraught.

But now the war is gone, pain is no more –
The suffering and death we have been caused
And needless pain I have caused to my foe
Have brought me here where in my thoughts I’m lost

I look back and rejoice, for past is but a dream,
The future is unseen when I am here,
Surrendering my thoughts which only seem
And finally becoming free of fear.

The judgments, thoughts and fears that led to war
It’s time I lay aside, leave far behind –
In peaceful grace I don’t need anymore
The heavy baggage of my restless mind.

Beyond the good and bad is where I’m from –
Now I forget the reasons why I fought,
Forget the war, forget this world and come
With wholly empty hands unto my God.

Never Alone

I walked alone
So aimlessly
Being lost at times
When carelessly
I wandered off
Into the dark
From clear path –
I did embark.

Such wandering
Away from light
What does it bring?
Why do I fight
To be alone?
To blind my eyes? –
Praying to stone
I’ve made such lies.

“God is but Love
And so am I” –
Words ringing true
Got lost in lie
When unlike Him
I wandered far
Into the dim
Of dreams bizarre.

But I met you
And grasped your hand –
In love embraced
As one we stand.
Never alone,
Never in pain –
Together we
In light remain.

You are like Him
Savior of mine
Bathing in stream
Of Love divine.

What Am I?

Having a deep respect – so great –
For Bible, Christians, their traits,
Yet am I one? – I’m not, can’t be –
For my eyes sin have ceased to see.

Studying Buddhism in my short life
Did help to realize the strife,
And such a meaningless pretense –
But would it be such an offense,

To still insist with question pure –
What Am I? What path offers cure?
Buddhist I’m neither, though respect
Is just the same – I can’t neglect –

The Truth and Wisdom in each way –
Each points to Truth, yet we delay
To follow truly what we’re taught
And pray to pointers – all for naught.

Not having a TV to watch
The time goes slower on my watch;
No interest in gossip void,
Makes one’s life totally devoid –

Of any waste, even of time,
Of all the hurdles and the crime,
Which we project through judging “sin” –
Seeing in others what’s within.

Writing the poetry divine
(Which I can’t say yet about mine)
Does not help Truth to understand –
Being a poet – can’t pretend.

And going still about my life
Each day – a struggle to survive,
Yet am I body? – I am not,
It’s just a shell in which I’m caught.

The question still stands – “What am I?” –
An empty question in my eye!
But take away the needless “what”
And you stand closer to One God.

Without the “what”, what we have left –
But “Am I?” And with all respect –
I Am, my friend – just as You Are,
We stand as One – Truth Is – not far.

The Journey of this World

The world, the thoughts creating it,
The pain and anger that arise,
Waiting for light to be relit,
You still believe in your demise.
And yet the power you possess,
The pure Self to be remembered
From all the things which you’ve surrendered
To you’ll return, when you confess:
The sins you know are nonexistent,
And the mistakes you’ve seemed to make.
The thoughts of sin might be persistent,
And yet you’re never at the stake.
You will remember What you are
And you will see the light’s not far,
You will return where you belong –
The journey this will not take long.

Sonnets of Love: Forgiveness

No matter what you do or what you think,
No matter what life seems to put you through
Don’t ever let the guilt emerge – forgive.
Forgiveness is your savior on the brink
Of hate, your only hope on path so true,
Which brings you home where peacefully you live.

Sonnets of Love: Bourne

It is a special day for you:
The fears you’ve had will disappear
And you will shine anew, reborn.
Today the light will cover up your view,
The problems of your dream no longer will appear:
It is a happy dream when you have reached your bourne.

Sonnets of Love: The Love in Me

I know it well, it is the first time not
When I’ve been tempted, made mistakes and so
I just go on, knowing  my path is true,
And don’t look back, on my path towards God,
And just enjoy the ever growing glow
Of love in me, which always includes you.

Sonnets of Love: The Road of Love

And still I walk this road of pure Love –
Sometimes I’m tempted, but it stops me not,
Thus I return where I belong.
Maybe as yet I haven’t done enough,
But when one truly walks towards one God,
The road to Love will not take long.

The ego

The ego shakes my body still
And fuels me with its beliefs.
It teaches me its “truth” – to kill,
And so I listen – so it lives.

The ego takes away the pain –
For single moment, day, a year,
It takes away this awful shame
And I forget that it is near.

The ego makes me feel so good –
It does not win if I am lost,
It craves for pain, its basic food,
But it’s afraid to pay the cost –

If ego torments me too much,
I might start searching for an end
Of pain which is the ego’s crutch
And so it offers me its hand.

The ego’s most of all afraid –
It is in terror if I’m still,
But oh, how well it does persuade! –
So subtly whispers how I feel.

It gives me pleasure of a kind,
It strives that I get fleeting highs,
It hides behind what’s in my mind
Through guile and slyness, tricks and lies.

The things it offers seem so good:
The music, that excites me so,
The books, that lighten up my mood,
The drugs, that take me down so low,

The people – which it says I need,
The power – buying others’ love,
The money – vice of mine to feed –
All worldly things, which I can’t get enough.

The ego knows its game so well –
It planned it billions years ahead!
It tricked me, put me here to dwell,
Severed my mind and made me mad.

It’ll surely go to any length
To make me mindless, without will,
To make me lose remaining strength –
It never aims to wound, but kill.

So many things so mindlessly I do,
Do strengthen ego, help it grow in me –
Unconscious things, or conscious too
Make ego strong, not letting Self to be.

For eons it’s been winning at this game,
How many lifetimes did I suffer here?
It tricks through anger, blame and shame
To do my worst, not letting my love near.

I’m tired, lost, I don’t want what it has,
I’ve suffered much – tormented billions years!
Thus ego steps away, it does torment me less,
With patience waiting while I dry my tears.

It rests so still in corners of my mind,
It knows I am afraid to look for source of pain –
With complex tales and lies defensiveness’s designed,
Through constant guilt my will does ego drain!

It is afraid so much when I’m becoming sane,
It does not want me starting on this search,
It does step back when I am tired of its game –
Behind my back it lights anew the torch.

Time passes by and I calm down,
Life seems like it’s becoming good,
And so again at many things I frown –
The ego’s back, for I supply it with new food.

This lifetime ends, I die in pain,
Rejoices ego, caring not for me,
And all my suffering does seem in vain
For I allowed my foe to be.

Yet, for a moment between lives,
Without a body I am still –
Through stillness, truth of God does rise,
I am reborn, but now I stronger feel!

As soon as body takes me back
The ego’s there, like predator in hunt,
It takes it slow my life to wreck,
It is afraid to show its hate so blunt.

It’s very patient, so it waits
For me to grow, enjoying life,
But soon again it shows just how it hates
My Self, my Love – it leads me into strife.

Life after life I’ve suffered much,
In vain it seemed – but it was not! –
Through lessons pure, through gentle touch,
I was remembering one God.

I am much stronger in this life,
The ego feels much less secure,
I am resisting pointless strife,
I am aware of its allure.

And yet —
It does its worst, and resting not,
It tries to bring the horror to my mind,
For eons strongly ego fought;
Its terror stricken now – its end to find.

This time around I know it’s there:
I’ve learned its tricks, I see its guile,
I know its hate, deception and despair –
But now I live with gentle smile –

The God Himself protects me now,
Enough I grew, remembering Him,
And when One does remember how
Love feels – the ego grows mortally dim.

The words mean less, without them ego’s weak,
I do not need to search and think,
I do not need to strive, to speak,
I simply am, no longer on the brink.

I know from where ego came,
I am aware of mistake
Which I thought real, bringing the shame,
Forgetting Love, putting all being at the stake.

With knowledge pure I walk through clouds –
No longer can the shadows on the wall
Seem real – as if tormented crowds
Are walking still in darkness of the hall.

No longer Son of God is fooled,
No longer ego rules the dream,
Enough of what seemed as its rule –
The wicked light in it grows dim.

I have the power of One God
To fuel in me the perfect Love –
The things of this world bother not,
The One who knows, who’s seen enough.


My path has taken me so far,
To places I’ve seen not before,
The journey, following my star,
This journey started in a blur.

My search was long, not easy too,
What I was looking for – knew not
And yet, I felt the need to follow through,
I felt the lesson I was being taught.

Yes, I have been so lost at times,
At others I have felt alone,
I did condemn myself of crimes
When I was facing the unknown.

Yet I pursued, I persevered,
I felt this journey had to be,
I’ve followed through, my view I’ve cleared,
It took much time to finally see:

This journey helped me to become
Who I am now so proud to be,
There was a time for it to come,
For it to make me finally free.

It built this person I am now,
It strengthened up my faith in me,
I’ve learned the lesson: I know how
The journey destined me to see.

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