In these tough times of darkness so obscure
We need protection from imagined sin,
We are to follow those only who matured,
We’re not allowed to look for truth within.
Crusaders of the Truth will show the way:
They will attack the sinners of this world
Who dare through wicked teaching lead astray
The sheep who blindly follow what they’re told.
Crusaders of the Truth won’t rest in peace
Till every sinner of the world’s exposed,
Their Holy mission – showing where Truth is,
Stomping to dust the ones who Truth oppose.
But in these times, which are indeed obscure,
Crusaders of the Truth themselves’re opposed.
In times when even teachers’re insecure,
In times when Son of God can be so loathed,
In these dark times the flock must guided be
By Voice of God – Martyrs of Teaching Pure,
Who won’t allow the lies of sin to be,
Protecting from Crusaders’ sly allure.
And so they fight, and viciously at that,
And flock has been forgotten long ago,
Neither Crusaders, nor Martyrs will let
To halt the growth of egos – so they grow.
How much importance are we to assign,
To understanding not our “holy” ways?
Are we too blind to see so clear a sign
That it’s our fight, which ego stronger makes?
Are they important so, ways of this world,
That we will kill our Self in name of them?
We’re deaf to Voice, which to us clearly told –
We’re not to slaughter God’s innocent lamb.
No matter! Voice of God does grow so dim,
Crusaders of the Truth are fighting on
With such persistence, gruesome and so grim,
Until the last mistake (judge they) is gone.
Indeed, the Voice is dim, the truth’s obscure –
Martyrs of Holy Light will fight the same,
For only they hold teaching true and pure,
And so they teach – through anger, hate and shame.