Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: Judgement

Sonnets of Love – 11

Will you agree on one and only thing?
That we should never judge the form,
But see inside, where content’s hidden.
If we’d agree on this now, don’t you think? –
We would have never been so torn,
Neither would Love still be forbidden.

The Final Judgement

You are not entitled to judge, it is not a function you posses. When you judge, you misperceive. This leads to nothing but conflict, for you are once again listening to two opposing voices.

God is indeed entitled to judge, because His judgement is perfect. As long as you do not remember your part in God, you know nothing of perfection.

When you finally remember and return in God, there will, indeed, be final judgement:

Time pauses as eternity comes near, and  silence lies across the world that everyone may hear this Judgment of the Son of God:

Holy are you, eternal, free and whole,
At peace forever in the Heart of God.
Where is the world, and where is sorrow now?

(M-15. 1:10-12)

When I am tempted

When I am tempted,
I’m afraid.
I’m guilty,
And I hate:
I blame them,
I condemn,
I live in fear,
And I smear.

When I do all of this,
Can I expect a smile to be returned?
What am I choosing – hell or peace?
Will they believe it’s Love I’ve earned?

No, they reply the same:
They put me down in shame
And they blame.
They say:
I’m worthless,
I’m plagued –
My hate still lives in them,
It is unchanged.

And when I love,
I feel such peace inside,
The light has finally entered in my sight.
I don’t see pain,
Nor suffering in vain,
I don’t condemn –
I don’t see them.

It’s only Love I see –
A Brother answered to my plea,
And now we’re One,
Both finally free.


The conflict is not possible in God, but it is guaranteed when following the ego. The Voice of Love that calls you home is ever present, but rarely heard. So it is only the extent to which you listen to the other, little voice of ego, that makes the conflict real for you.

Ego knows not of God, and God knows not of ego. Is it any surprise that when you choose to listen to the little voice, the conflict is so soon to follow? Is it what you really want?

One voice is calling you to judge, the other to forgive. You cannot listen to them both, not at the same time. When ego pulls you to the past, to all the grievances you can’t let go of, or when it promises the future, it teaches you to judge.

And only in the now you hear eternal Voice of God.

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