My path has taken me so far,
To places I’ve seen not before,
The journey, following my star,
This journey started in a blur.
My search was long, not easy too,
What I was looking for – knew not
And yet, I felt the need to follow through,
I felt the lesson I was being taught.
Yes, I have been so lost at times,
At others I have felt alone,
I did condemn myself of crimes
When I was facing the unknown.
Yet I pursued, I persevered,
I felt this journey had to be,
I’ve followed through, my view I’ve cleared,
It took much time to finally see:
This journey helped me to become
Who I am now so proud to be,
There was a time for it to come,
For it to make me finally free.
It built this person I am now,
It strengthened up my faith in me,
I’ve learned the lesson: I know how
The journey destined me to see.
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