Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Category: Thoughts (Page 1 of 2)

The Final Judgement

You are not entitled to judge, it is not a function you posses. When you judge, you misperceive. This leads to nothing but conflict, for you are once again listening to two opposing voices.

God is indeed entitled to judge, because His judgement is perfect. As long as you do not remember your part in God, you know nothing of perfection.

When you finally remember and return in God, there will, indeed, be final judgement:

Time pauses as eternity comes near, and  silence lies across the world that everyone may hear this Judgment of the Son of God:

Holy are you, eternal, free and whole,
At peace forever in the Heart of God.
Where is the world, and where is sorrow now?

(M-15. 1:10-12)


Look around you and consider what you see. Are all these things you seem to be seeing are real?

All of these things you see around are going to disappear. The time will destroy every thing and every body your eyes have every perceived.

Can reality be impermanent? Would it not mean that at some point reality will cease to be, cursed by its own impermanence? Even time itself, the seeming master of everything you see around, will eventually have to stop.

How can anything bound by the laws of death be real?

The Light

You see yourself as sinful, guilty and fearful. By this “seeing” you are creating yourself as such. Is it your will to be called these names, that you yourself came up with? Do you want suffering or peace?

How do you change this view of yourself? How do you start seeing yourself in true light? You cannot accomplish this through affirmations or intellectual reasoning. The only way you can see yourself as Light is to see all your Brothers as Light. Every tiny bit of darkness you find in another will be multiplied and reflected in you.

When you condemn your Brother into darkness, do you suppose that Light will be shown to you? Do you believe that Light is something a separated body can ever have?

The Light is all there is. It includes everything, as it is everything. It loves everyone, because everyone is standing in the Light. Realize that there is no darkness by not looking for darkness.

Impossible Communication

You cannot communicate with another if you speak in different languages. You are aware of that, and yet you speak two different languages in your mind and you wonder why you are lost.

The Voice of God is ever present inside of you, because you are included in everything God has to say.

The little voice of ego is an illusion in which you placed your own belief. This voice speaks only against God, therefore speaking always against the Truth. The Truth does not include ego and so its biggest fear is your remembering of the Truth.

All conflict in your life is resolved instantly when you realize that a compromise in God is not possible – you must listen to His Voice, and His alone.

It is impossible to communicate in alien tongues. You and your Creator can communicate through creation, because that, and only that is Your joint Will. A divided mind cannot communicate, because it speaks for different things to the same mind. This loses the ability to communicate simply because confused communication does not mean anything. A message cannot be communicated unless it makes sense. How sensible can your messages be, when you ask for what you do not want? Yet as long as you are afraid of your will, that is precisely what you are asking for. (T-9.I.6)


We ask so much, as if we truly knew the right questions to ask.

A specific question shows your assumption that you know where salvation lies. But with this specificity you simply limit what can be answered to you. You put the boundaries around what it is possible for you to hear.

Do not try to present an imagined problem in front of God for Him to solve. Instead, ask what is the true problem you are having. Ask what is it that He wants you to ask. To a correct question the answer will be supplied.

The choice

A miracle is our natural inheritance. It is our remembering. The miracle is in yourself, it cannot be outside. The world cannot produce a miracle, for it is not the purpose for which it’s been created.

You hold a grievance because you believe you are ego. And as an ego, you treat life as you unique, separate and special experience and not having it means death. You are afraid of Love inside, but only as an ego. You’ve seemingly chosen to be an ego. Each moment you are making the same choice again. Each moment is a chance to choose differently.

You’ve chosen to sleep and this is the purpose you believe in. The fear you feel is simply unreasonable unwillingness to change your purpose into awakening.

There is no world

There is no world – thus the main theme of A Course In Miracles can be summarized.

The ego gathers evidence to the contrary, day and night. The only goal the ego pursues is to prove to you that there is in fact a world. There is a universe and you’re a body. You live on earth and you have real needs. You have to honor needs, or else – you suffer, wither and die.

Everything is built around this theme in this world – there is virtually nothing and no one who helps you to see differently. It is a prison where prisoners imagine to be kings, and they will not allow a dissident to break free and show them the beauty behind the barbwire.

There is no world – you learn of this and now you know no better but to deny the world. Deny your bodily needs, deny the laws the ego set forth for you. But how can you deny something you don’t believe in?

Denying the ego is what makes it seemingly real. Your thought is what gave rise to this illusion, and the denial is yet another thought. Until you learn to give the world no thought at all, it will be there for you, tormenting you forever.

What does it mean to give no thought at all? It means to not judge. You see the world for what it is and you do not judge one thing to be better or worse, more or less special. While you are here your body has some needs – you fulfill them, but you do not seek your purpose in them. You continue to function – but with a gentle smile upon your face, forgiving the sin you know does not exist.

Laws of Unhappiness

You have created the laws of unhappiness. You never meant it, it is just a result of a tiny, senseless mistake. But then you chose to follow your laws and suffer.

After this, can you truly believe that you know what’s good? You have created the laws of suffering and death, and it is only your own choice to obey them. And you don’t even remember how this come to be, otherwise you would have undone your laws at once.

So first of all, choose to remember. Look upon your error and realize it does not exist. The laws of suffering will vanish, and pain, and hate, and death will be no more.

Body and pain

The body cannot exist without the pain. You can think of pain as something cruel, evil and unfair. You might think of it as your friend – a sign that something’s wrong with your body and you must protect it. But what you can’t deny is there’s hardly any better proof that body’s real.

You can study, meditate, pray, think of enlightenment, but when you cut your finger it bleeds and hurts. How can you overcome the world when it can pull your strings so easily?

For the ego the purpose of pain is to make your body real. It needs to convince you, for it’s afraid – without your belief, the dream of ego will be gone.

But you are not your ego. And you are not your body. So how can pain help you find the Truth?

When looking at the pain with God, you’ll recognize, it’s but a sign that you believe in laws of unhappiness. You’ll remember the time when you seemed to have made the mistaken choice. If you but open your eyes, the pain will help you to wake up. You might not want it, but you created it yourself – and you support it every moment with only your belief.

When you remember how and why this seeming pain has come to be, you will know that it is not anymore. Yes, the body cannot exist without the pain. But what is pain if body cannot be at all?


What is “sin” but an error you seemed to make but never did? Yet, by listening to the ego, you started thinking sin is real and you forgot that Son of God is perfect like his Father.

From childhood we’ve been taught that some things are “good” and some are “bad”. And when you do this or that – you sin, and reinforce belief of dream you’re in. Then, you experience guilt for the imagined sin you seemed to have committed.

Sin is not possible without judgement, because it is only kept intact in you as long as you see it in your Brother. How would you perceive of something, unless you would constantly maintain it real by finding it all around you?

And yet it is so easy to let go of all this nonsense. Regard your Brother as yourself – as One Son of God, forever perfect and pure. Do not try to find His fault, for you will never forgive something that you made real. Just realize that there is not a single sinner in the whole world, and no one’s guilty. There is no hate, nor anger. If it is not in anyone, it’s not in You.

True Awakening

Every day you wake up in the morning only to go through all the same things and go to sleep again. But do you really awaken when you open your eyes in the morning? Do you really see any more with your eyes open?

When you see a dream it seems so real, and yet your eyes are closed. Then you wake up and but continue seeing the very same dream. Your eyes has nothing to do with vision and they won’t help you see the Light.

So what is awakening? The ego has an answer for you. It will give you thousand concepts about awakening. The ego doesn’t mind you adding a “spiritual” label to yourself. The ego is gladdened when you think of yourself as “awakened”. For when you “awaken”, and yet remain in the dream, there is no reason now to strive beyond the dream.

Ego’s awakening is of this world. It let’s you see a calmer dream and believe that it’s all there is to it. But as long as you value the dream you are still making it real. If you “awaken” but still in this world, how is it different from your waking up in the morning? You simply see a thousand dreams that hide the main illusion from you.

True awakening is letting go of the dream. It is the realization that you want to mindlessly slumber no more. As soon as you remember what is beyond the illusion, you will never look upon it again and will stop making it real for you.


The ego wishes many things. It made you believe that body is all you have. It proves how real the body is by putting it through suffering and death. How can you argue with such evidence?

Having proved its case about the body, it is not difficult for the ego to convince you of many things the body needs. The ego wishes this or that, telling how you – the body – is incomplete without these things.

And yet, ego’s wishing is without power in reality. It affects you only if you are making it real. You’ve chosen to believe in ego’s idle wishes and it is power of your thought, mistakenly misplaced, that seems to make you suffer.

If you believe in suffering and death, you will certainly create them for yourself. And yet, by creating a perception you are still not making it real.

God wills. He does not wish. Your will is as powerful as His because it is His. The ego’s wishes do not mean anything, because the ego wishes for the impossible. You can wish for the impossible, but you can will only with God. This is the ego’s weakness and your strength. (T-7.X.4:6-11)

Perceptual problems

Unhappiness and problems is something you perceive. It seems to be and yet it’s not. Do not discount how powerful your mind is – if you believe in pain, loneliness, hate and lack, you will create appropriate circumstances for yourself and start perceiving what you believe in. No thought is idle, be careful what you will.

Knowing this you have but choose again.

You’ve chosen to create this world the way you see it. But seeing, feeling, touching is nothing more than a perception.

First, choose to perceive the world for what it is – an illusion, made by the ego to convince you there is nothing to be had beyond it. Realize that this illusion is nothing and it’s hiding from you everything. Then, choose to see beyond it. There lies true vision.

Idols of Salvation

Where do you look for salvation? Whom are you trying to appoint as your savior?

You look for it in any thing or any body. And yet, no matter how hard you try, these idols of salvation always fail.

You believe that you know what’s everything’s purpose is for and so you assign the purpose of salvation to many things. After being wrong so many times before, do you not want to reconsider your assumptions of purpose? This is the knowledge you simply do not posses.

The things where you look for happiness were not created with purpose of happiness in mind. On the contrary, they were created with purpose of hiding the happiness from you and leading you away from salvation. The ego made these things and bodies as witnesses for its case of an illusion. Would it then appoint them to witness against its only goal?



Do you truly believe that any problem can be created outside of yourself? You’ve got into habit of blaming everything and everyone for what you judge as bad or wrong. You have been looking for your happiness outside as long as you can remember – have you ever found it?

Only insane mind will keep on repeating the same process, that failed him so many times. Of course, anyone blind to the truth is insane, but it only seems that we don’t see. Son of God is like himself, and God is not insane. Only ego made you accept that you’re insane. And it makes you look for happiness where nothing exists – outside of yourself.

Blaming your Brother, you are saying “You are responsible for my happiness and you do not let me be happy”. Blaming the circumstances, you are saying “If this or that would not have happened, I would have been happy, free, in peace”. The ego goes as far as making us blame our Creator – complete impossibility, which makes sense only to the insane. But then, do not forget, that ego is insane, it makes no senseEach grievance you hold is simply you looking for salvation outside.

So when for eons you have been searching for the answer, and looking only outside and never finding it, why not look elsewhere? When every time you blame a Brother, you are unhappier still, why not try Love instead towards him?

The ego never rests, for it’s afraid. And listening to its little voice of guilt and blame, you will become as restless, not content and always searching.

Three Stages of Forgiveness

Conditional Forgiveness

At this stage there is no forgiveness at all – there is only judgement. You constantly judge your Brothers and then you “forgive” them – given they follow your conditions.

We could also call this “ego forgiveness”. The ego feels powerful if it can look down on a Brother and “forgive” him, with understanding that he will soon sin again, be condemned, and guilt will force him to return for more.

Forgetful Forgiveness

You realize that temporal forgiveness is not real – and when conditions are given, you can be sure enough they will be broken. So you try to truly let go of judging your Brother, but you forget.

This is a period of increasing conflict, because you do not want to follow ego’s path no more, but you still do. You turn between two opposites, and don’t accept just yet that one of them is not real.

This is an important stage and you will persevere. You’ll make mistakes, but every time you’ll choose again. And very soon the ego won’t be something you’ll ever look upon again.

True Forgiveness

True Forgiveness is, simply, lack of judgement. You cannot condemn a Brother and then truly forgive him. You grant True Forgiveness to each one through overlooking ego. You’ll see nothing but Light of God and there will be nothing you could judge.

You realized that rather than trying to be “right”, following the path of the ego, you’d rather have peace.


Resistance is just another name for our ego. What could we possibly resist but the Voice of Truth? And do not try to resist the ego –  if you do, you’ll simply make it stronger, for something that has no real appeal to you could not be resisted. By acknowledging that it is worth resisting, you acknowledge that it is worth something. Instead, you simply look upon it and realize that it is not so.

And yet, even resistance can be used to light up our way home. The ego will gladly let you look upon anything but the Truth. It is aware, that when you hear the Voice for God again, its end will come.

Know this: the extent to which you resist something is a clear sign of how much effort ego is willing to spend hiding the Truth behind this resistance. In this way resistance can become a guide – like a beacon of light, calling you home. The ego made you afraid of this light and so you turn your head.

The ego’s teaching is just opposite of God’s. So when you turn away from where ego does not want you to look, you turn away from clear path that leads you home.

A Simple Choice

God or ego – that is all there is to choose between in this world.

Complexity is of the ego – to hide the Truth, it gives us thousands views of what is false. Complexity is not of God:

How could it be, when all He knows is one? He knows of one creation, one reality, one truth and but one Son. Nothing conflicts with oneness. How, then, could there be complexity in Him? (T-26.III.1:1-5)

While we’re still here, it’s hard to avoid the form. And yet, our choice on the level of form is not important. God has nothing to do with form. It is the meaning we give to anything of this world that makes the choice for us.

Each moment of your life you make this choice. Unconscious it may be, but idle it is not. Don’t be afraid of past mistakes, but know better Now, and choose again.

What You are Not

We always try to find our purpose, our path in life. We seek our essence, who we are.

The world will give its answers, it has many. And it does help you find your path, but never through teaching what You are. It merely lists everything You’re Not.

A body, father, human being, woman, businessman, an actor, president, poor, lonely, sick or rich. Unhappy or content, an old man or a child. By teaching you who you are not, the ego simply follows its doctrine:

Seek, but do not find.

Your path is found in none of these things, and yet even the ego can be of help. By recognizing goals it has, you hardly can silence its voice. What you can do, is stop looking for salvation where ego offers it, and finally you too will find that field, “Out there, beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing”.

Your Purpose

All of us look for happiness, we try to find it in every thing.

The ego does not want you to be happy, but it does want you to search. It says:

Seek, but do not find.

Pretending it’s your friend, it points here and there, and makes you search for it forever. It says:

You are not happy now because this happened in the past. There’s nothing you can do about the past, but look into the future! If you will have these things tomorrow, the happiness will be yours!

The God would never have you search for happiness, because He knows that happiness is your purpose. He created you happy, and He asks but to look inside, and realize that happiness is forever yours.

How could you possibly be unhappy, if happiness is what you are? Except, if you deny eternity and hide into the dark clouds of Yesterday and Tomorrow.

The happiness is yours forever, it is eternal. But it cannot be found in time, because the time does not exist.

Return to where you belong – in endless, ever present Now.

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