The body cannot exist without the pain. You can think of pain as something cruel, evil and unfair. You might think of it as your friend – a sign that something’s wrong with your body and you must protect it. But what you can’t deny is there’s hardly any better proof that body’s real.
You can study, meditate, pray, think of enlightenment, but when you cut your finger it bleeds and hurts. How can you overcome the world when it can pull your strings so easily?
For the ego the purpose of pain is to make your body real. It needs to convince you, for it’s afraid – without your belief, the dream of ego will be gone.
But you are not your ego. And you are not your body. So how can pain help you find the Truth?
When looking at the pain with God, you’ll recognize, it’s but a sign that you believe in laws of unhappiness. You’ll remember the time when you seemed to have made the mistaken choice. If you but open your eyes, the pain will help you to wake up. You might not want it, but you created it yourself – and you support it every moment with only your belief.
When you remember how and why this seeming pain has come to be, you will know that it is not anymore. Yes, the body cannot exist without the pain. But what is pain if body cannot be at all?
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