God or ego – that is all there is to choose between in this world.
Complexity is of the ego – to hide the Truth, it gives us thousands views of what is false. Complexity is not of God:
How could it be, when all He knows is one? He knows of one creation, one reality, one truth and but one Son. Nothing conflicts with oneness. How, then, could there be complexity in Him? (T-26.III.1:1-5)
While we’re still here, it’s hard to avoid the form. And yet, our choice on the level of form is not important. God has nothing to do with form. It is the meaning we give to anything of this world that makes the choice for us.
Each moment of your life you make this choice. Unconscious it may be, but idle it is not. Don’t be afraid of past mistakes, but know better Now, and choose again.
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