Spiritual Advance

Love holds no grievances

Tag: The Path

The Carpet

A carpet’s spread – I drag my feet
For thousands miles – where does it lead?
Where do I go and why I strive
To find a point in pointless life?

The carpet’s red – as if being stained
In blood which here so long remained
After the journey others made
In search of their own bloody fate.

As I look back I see the past
And all the journey I have passed
While walking aimlessly alone
Along this path into unknown.

In front of me – the future lays –
Strange how it always same remains,
Looks just as narrow, just as red –
Same carpet stretches far ahead.

Where is the end, where did I start? –
The voice is silent in my heart.
The carpet hides behind the time
The reason of my only crime.

The time is prison – I remain
Locked in the cage which I maintain
Through dragging still my feet along
The carpet where I don’t belong.

It’s being time – where could it lead,
But to my death, to my defeat.
The journey pointless and so long,
The journey I myself prolong.

But time must come to end as well –
It’s up to me to break its spell.
The carpets rolls up, disappears –
No guilt remains, but my dry tears.

Salvation’s Hand

My mind still holds the deeds of my own life,
The thoughts that I have thought through years
And keeps the feeling, ever slight, of my own strife,
And keeps remembering of my sadness tears.
While being lost, I cried, cried bitterly,
And crying thus, increased my misery.

My mind was raw, untrained and rough,
It kept controlling me, yet I had no control
Of thoughts it thought, which me engulfed,
And deeds it forced upon my soul.
While being meek, mindless I was,
For I was meek only for ego’s cause.

And it went on, for years and years,
My life continued flowing ‘tween the shores
Of ego’s cause, that caused my tears and fears,
But also other Voice, that had a subtle course
Of reaching to my soul and healing all the pain,
And sharing pure love, which I could not explain.

The first time I did hear the Voice of Light
It too did cause slight fear, being opposite of “life”,
(At least I called it “life”), yet its own Might
Did calm me down, put peace in place of strife
And made me question everything I knew,
For long I felt the questions long time due.

My life took course unknown before, and then
The other voice, the little voice of pain and guilt,
Became much louder, reaching from its den
Tried to submit my soul, seducing me with gilt.
Yet all the raucous shrieks that it had made,
Could no longer my Self persuade.

For something’s changed, I’ve changed myself,
My life, the way I now perceive has changed,
The gentle Voice of Love took me away from hell –
How gladly did I hell for Love exchanged!
The peace I feel does grow on me, and I become,
The essence of the peace from where the Voice did come.

The life goes on, the body still contains,
My essence, wanting to break free. I know –
Some lesson still unlearned for me remains,
Yet my life now so peacefully does flow,
For I have heard the Truth, have learned to Love,
Nothing this world does offer is enough!

Time’s passed, the words mean less, I’d rather pray,
In silence of my holy, one healed mind
The path I follow does no longer sway,
Now nothing in this world for me remains to find.
Since I have felt salvation’s hand,
My love knows much, but not an end.

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